Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Taming Sari

After reading Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, me and a friend started discussing about how creative these "omputih" writers where they can manipulate stories where sometimes, we as a reader feels as if we are reading the true fact! It can misleading of course. But the fact that it seems real, makes it more exciting to read the books.

So my friend & I were thinking are there any Malay novels that fictionised (is there such a word? ;-) heheehhe ) our history mcm puteri gunung ledang sumer tu... it would be interesting kan if we could come up with cerita pasal Taming Sari ker? It will be interesting!

Maybe the descendants of hang tuah? The anak cucu cicit.. if ada la...

hmmmm any takers???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
