Thursday, May 19, 2005

Let's learn elvish

We say this in Elvish

Legolas: Boe a hyn neled herain dan caer menig.
Aragorn: Si, beriathar hyn ammaeg na ned Edoras.
Legolas: Aragorn, nedin dagor hen รบ-'erir ortheri. Natha daged dhaer.

And this is the meaning in English

Legolas: 'And they should be... three hundred against ten thousand.' [lit. 'It is necessary to them: [there are] 300 [of us], against 10,000 [of them]'
aragorn: 'They have more hope of defending themselves here than at Edoras.' [lit. 'Here they-will-defend them[-selves] sharper than at Edoras.']
Legolas: 'They cannot win this fight. They are all going to die!' [lit. Aragorn, in the battle this [they] not can to-win. [It] will be slaying great.]

Are u ok class??? For speech class... can refer to me... kuikuikuikuikui


Pootz in Boots said...

Hmmm... banyak lagi bahasa yang alive yang boleh and dapat pahala untuk dipelajari.. carebear!!
Buhsan tahap cipan ek korang semer... so.. macam mana boss baru korang?

Lampin said...

SN: nap kor tak ped ak?

Shaff: ak deng bun nyam. kor ad deng tak?

Pootz: buk nyam. bab.

Carebear: kui kui kui... bet! bet! buk nyam! tap bab! kui kui kui....

G-String: nas ba ak tak ik di per ba. kal tak nan ak ken sam!!!

Sam: di aj ak tak?

Dubuk: ( comment)

munir: (comment not available)

Queen Amidala: oi! oi! oi! apam balik ni habiskanlah! membazir tau!

Syir: bil lag di nak tur? dah tur pun mas kat sin? sib je!

Emm-n-Emm: bos tak masuk opis hari ni. Akak nak ajar anak didik cara yg betul utk duduk di kerusi pejabat.

G-string said...

cayalah lampin...aku suka dialog yg ko buat tu