Thursday, June 30, 2005
The Look Of Love
The Look Of Love – Diana Krall
The look of love
Is in your eyes
The look your smile can't disguise
The look of love
Is saying so much more
Than just words could ever say
And what my heart has heard
Well it takes my breath away
I can hardly wait to hold you
Feel my arms around you
How long I have waited
Waited just to love you
Now that I have found you
You've got the look of love
It's in your face
A look that time can't erase
Be mine tonight
Let this be just the start
Of so many nights like this
Let's take a lover's vow
And then seal it with a kiss
Don't ever go
Don't ever go
I love you so
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
The Choice
"EVERY moment in life, we are faced with a choice. Which should command our preference - the demands of our job or the duties to our family?
If there is a board meeting today at the same hours that our son graduates from school, where should we go - to the boardroom or to the graduation ceremony?
If we have to make a very important presentation tomorrow, so as to advance our career, but our wife says she has to see the doctor on a suspicion of cancer, which appointment should we keep?
These are the daily battles of conscience we have to wage, trying to keep a balance between our responsibility to earn a living and our opportunity to live a life. And our choices invariably reveal who we really are.
Our preferences indicate our true character. Our priorities are the best indicators of our real identity.
What profits success?
I know that many of you out there would go for career on the pretension that after all, you are doing all these for the family.
Many of you, dear readers, would rather become outstanding employees, model personnel instead of being doting fathers or loving husbands.
Many of you would opt to perform exceedingly well in the office even if you work 12 to 16 hours a day, going home only to change clothes or catch a few hours of sleep. But what for? At the end of the day, what have you accomplished?
What profits a highly successful professional or wealthy businessman if ultimately, he loses his family, wrecks his marriage or dishonors the name he will leave to his children?
What has a rich man accomplished if he has built a fortune and founded conglomerates of highly profitable companies and yet drives his own wife to vices or infidelity, his children to drugs and delinquency and himself to spiritual decay and total burnout?
What matters most?
Look around you. The evidence is overwhelming and irreversible. Families are shattered. Marriages are broken. Lives are reduced to utter emptiness.
Even as man advances in wealth and success, he deteriorates on the basic standards of joy, peace and serenity. As we all compete and struggle for power and possessions, we often neglect what really matters most. In our insatiable mania for supremacy over the rest, we often forget the most important things in life.
I will respect your choice. But as for me, my priorities are clear. Between career and family, I will always go for family. I can forego that board meeting and earn the ire of my boss or make a bad impression on my peers. But I shall not inflict a lifetime trauma on my son by sending him alone to graduate without his dad. I can forget that business presentation and lose a valued client or waste a career promotion, but I cannot leave my wife alone in her moments of anxiety.
Why should a well-known public figure commit suicide given all his fame and fortune? Can his wealth and wisdom compensate for ruptures in his relationships?
Why should a wife of a famous politician commit adultery with the family driver? Is it lust or vain fixation for the pleasures of the flesh? Or is it the pain of being neglected and ignored by the husband she used to adore? Why should a son cut his wrist or a daughter drink poison despite all the luxuries and pleasures they are showered with?
Can money replace love?
Can pleasure take the place of affections?
In this age of top line technology and convenience gadgets, why are humans talking to computers rather than with each other?
Why are we retrenching people and replacing them with robots and machines?
Why have we lost the simple joys of nurturing relationships with bank tellers because we have replaced them with ATMs?
Why, with all our cells, e-mails, Internets, websites or the endemic texting, are we no longer communicating?
Why are family members no longer talking to each other?
The ultimate hell?
To succeed in career and fail in the family is, to me, the ultimate hell.
John Grisham, that famous author of legal fictions wrote "The Testament," which tells of a highly successful industrialist who made billions of dollars but lost his family.
In the first 10 pages of the novel, he jumped to his death from his multi-story building in front of his self-centered children. By his will, he disinherited all of them and bequeathed his entire estate to an illegitimate daughter who refused to accept it. That is the ultimate irony; those who lusted for money lost it. Those who were given all the money refused it.
In all his dozen masterpieces, Grisham tells us about the importance of family. "A Time to Kill" tells of a father who went to jail for killing his daughter's rapists.
Indeed, we who are simple folks should learn from the mistakes of others. We should straighten our lives and put our priorities in order.
I don't know about you. But as for me and my house, our credo is:
There is no success in a career that can make up for a failure in the
Monday, June 27, 2005
Menghitung Hari
detik demi detik....
Macam mana rasanya kalau dah tau yang kita akan kehilangan pekerjaan dan kita tau bila tarikh keramat tu akan jatuh? Sama tak macam menunggu kematian? Definitely tak sama kan? Tapi one thing for sure maa..... persediaan harus dibuat.
Sedih kengkadang bila terpaksa handle kes-kes cenggini. Kita terfikir tentang anak isteri dan keluarga yang ditanggung oleh pekerja-pekerja organisasi tu. Tapi apa yang boleh kita buat sebenarnya? Masing-masing tertakluk pada professional ethics masing-masing. Yang hampasnya ialah professional ethincs tak semestinya tertakluk pada prinsip perikemanusiaan. Professional ethics tu by itself bermaksud memberikan perkhidmatan atas dasar dibayar kerananya. Jadi professional ethics bergantung kepada duit. Dan terbuktilah bahawa duit, materialisma tu semua ada kalanya mengenepikan unsur-unsur kemanusiaan pun.
Seharusnyakah duit menjadi lawan manusia... bukannya kawan....???
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
But then the question is, as far as employment is concerned, to whom should loyalty be given? As far as patriotism is concerned, particualrly in a democratic country where it is ruled by a majority party, I believe loyalty is to be given to the country rather than the government. But in a company? Are we supposed to be loyal to the owner of the company?
What about a public listed company?
The owners of the company are NOT God. They're humans. They make mistakes. And worse, they have personal interests. A company consists of employers and employees. The bigger the company, the more employees they have and the lesser employers there will be in terms of ratio.
In a situation where the company is headed by ass****s and they are directing it towards detriments, what shall the employees do? Like a wagon where the employees are the horses and the driver are heading towards a deep cleft, should the horses stop although the driver did not instruct so?
Well, being horses the employees cannot make their own decision. It's just so unfortunate that the horses have idiots as drivers. But what if there are other people out there who wanted to take over the wagon from the idiots? The current idiots intend to kill the horses gradually until there will only be enough horses to feed or no horses left at all to move the wagon. The new driver may not be better, but at least it is proven that the current driver always leave the horses to starve before serving the necessary food. Because of the starvation, the horses have to utilise the food more than what has already been allocated to them. This situation cannot and must not continue.
The new driver may not be better, but they are not necessarily worse. We don't know yet, do we? How do we ever know? I guess we just have to give them a chance to mend the wagon. Only then will we know how good a driver they are.
So horses! Let's start kicking now! Kick the idiots on the wagon until they fall to the ground. Then, whoever wish so, stamp on them until they die miserably! Let's prepare the wagon for the new driver. May be if we clean the wagon properly, thenew driver will be impressed and give us better food when they begin to move the wagon toward new directions!
Good Luck!
Monday, June 20, 2005

Ulasan selari daripada Sam the Great (apsal ko takmo poskan kat dlm ni ek Sam?):
Itu hadiah untuk pekerja cemerlang kompeni kot...maklumlah kita semua macam kuda, kompani adalah wagon dalam bebanyak kuda tu kenalah semua berlari...jangan kepala je bergoyang tapi kaki tak bergerak. Emm...pas tu kuda-kuda tu kenalah selalu senyum...jadikan ia budaya kompeni...nanti tak de la org luar tegur.."apasal muka pekerja2 kompeni ni masam je..tak de yang senyum" ikut la macam rasmi tokeh..'makin susah, makin banyak senyum'. Tapi kan....yang bawak wagon tu tahu ke kemana arah kete kuda tu nak pergi?? kiri ke..kanan ke..depan kee..(jangan suruh gostan sudah..haru kuda nak jalan ke belakang)..dan...kuda2 tu semua cukup makan ke?? makan rumput jenis baik ke...atau makan hampas je...dan...wagon tu dalam good kondition ke...contohnya, tayar dlm keadaan baik, cukup minyak pelincir. Kalau wagon tu tak de tayar...bukan ke haru kuda2 tu semua nak tarik. Pas tu jangan la ramai sangat dalam wagon tu...sampaikan kuda tak larat nak tarik. Emm..itulah palsampah si poyo yang bagi pekerja sarapan di satu hari sabtu. Sabtu2 akan datang tak tahulah ada sarapan lagi ke tidak.
Thursday, June 16, 2005

Tersemai benih zuriat
Lalu bertunasnya hikayat
Penderitaan yang mula sarat
Bakal ditanggung sepanjang hayat
Didik dan besarkan menjadi pusaka
Yang bercambah subur menjemput syurga
Yang layu terkubur mengundang neraka
Yang pasti ibu diheret sama
Justeru tiadakah pengorbanan
Yang lebih agung dari kematian
Selain bagi seorang ibu yang melahirkan
Zuriat yang dididik menjadi berlian
Lalu berkilau di langit zaman
Hingga ynag hitam bisa bergemerlapan
Dengan keringat ibu yang kebanjiran
Kepada ibu yang mewarnai dunia
Dengan kemilau zuriat yang berjasa
Di akhirat syurgamu sudah tersedia
Apatah lagi ganjaran di dunia

Now try guessing these two:

Who's the deeply buried crying baby?

Who's this baby with black stone rantai?
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Monday, June 13, 2005
Keje Shift Malam
dpd web Rel
Siapakah Gerangan Sang Pemuja?
Aku tahu aku insan istimewa
alhamdulilah.. aku bersyukur ke hidratNya
namun siapakah gerangan sang pemuja..
saban hari mengirimkan aku sms tanpa nama
menelefon sekadar untuk mendengar suara
Aku tahu aku insan istimewa
alhamdulilah.. aku bersyukur ke hidratNya
namun siapakah gerangan sang pemuja..
terkadang menelefon di office juga
sekadar untuk mendengar suara
namun enggan berbicara
Aku tahu aku insan istimewa
alhamdulilah.. aku bersyukur ke hidratNya
namun siapakah gerangan sang pemuja..
mengirim sms tanpa nama
melahirkan rasa hati
sesungguhnya aku insan teristimewa..
sesungguhnya akulah ratu sanubarinya...
Aku tahu aku insan istimewa
alhamdulilah.. aku bersyukur ke hidratNya
namun siapakah gerangan sang pemuja..
yang berselindung disebalik private call
and no number...
takutkah dikau??
malukah dirimu??
atau sekadar melepas rindu??
atau mungkin juga ex yg pernah bersama..
tewas melawan badai asmara
kandas menahan gelora rindu..
lantas jadikan dirimu pemuja setia!
AF3 vs Mentor
Mawi...Mawi...Mawi... Alahaiii...Mawi lupa lirik lagi...tapi suara tetap power! Pada aku, give him a chance, nama pun baru nak belajar, tak patut jadik issue bila Mawi lupa lirik masa konsert AF3 last week. Alaaa...professional singers pun boley lupa lirik...lagi pulak nama2 besar like ziana zain yg salu lupa lirik, jamal abdillah pun lupa lirik, misha omar nyanyi kat obersi lagi sampai tak ingat lirik & have to pull out the song sebab tak ingat lirik nak nyanyi sampai kena mintak maap kat penonton. At least, Mawi tak panic masa dia lupa lirik, just ulang baris lagi sekali & terus menyanyi dengan bagus. Hidup Mawi!! MawiMawiMawiMawiMawi.....Aku tetap soking Mawi!! Aku tengok Mentor semalam...tough fight sebab Mentor-mentornya Zainal, Ning, Ct & Liza Hanim. Aku suka Protege Pija tu....sore dia fuhhh...power. Protege Ning pun ok si Yanie tu tapi aku lebih sokong Pija bukan saje sebab aku suka Zainal tapi sebab aku rasa Zainal seorang Mentor yg bagus...tengok la cara dia mendidik si Pija one time masa dia tak boley coach si Pija sebab ada urusan & terpaksa keluar, dia tinggalkan Pija with an instructor to do exercise sambil menyanyi untuk latihan stamina....i salute him, bukan la macam Ct tu...tinggalkan Protege dia berlatih sesorang kat bilik hotel Intekma tu sedangkan dia ke Indon....itu ke namanya star yg jadik mentor...hmmm...hampehh...Aku tengok Mentor-mentor lain semer bersungguh-sungguh mendidik Protege masing-masing, credit also to Ning & Liza Hanim. |
Friday, June 10, 2005
Tapi masa aku kat UK time winter dulu... adoi... rasa mcm nak terbang je balik Malaysia! Sejuknya ya Allah ya Tuhan...!!! Jgn kata nak kuar rumah, nak turun dari katil pun takut! Takut terpijak part lantai yang karpetnya dah koyak mendedahkan simen... sejukkkkkkk......!!!!!! Masa tu aku pikir kenapa la UK ni sejuknya macam... macam... hmm.... macam apa ya? Macam sejuk laa....
Tapi bila kengkawan hantar gambar-gambar yg macam ni, baru aku sedar tak sejuk takat mana sgt la UK tu sebenarnya. Tak pernah lagi sepanjang aku kat UK aku nampak fenomena camni.

Kalau korang ada gambar-gambar fenomena yang melampau camni, kongsi la kat sini. Lagi bagus kalau bagitau kat mana dan bila, dan citerkan la sket kenapa jadi camtu.
Aku dah berminat nak jadi pengkaji alam sekitar pulak skg memandangkan keadaan tgh pokai kering skg kan... Kaji alam sekitar tu kan ke jauh lebih baik dpd jadi assassin dan tuju senapang ke mortar ke haper ke kat kepala org2 tertentu kat sini? Agaknya pasal tu diorang nak pastikan kita miskin - supaya kita tak mampu nak upah assassin...
Sedar diri pulak yang diorang tu sebenarnya dibenci oleh makhluk sejagat... asyik kena sumpahan org2 sendiri, patutlah terlungkup dan tersimpang di balik Katong....
Eh.. tetiba citer pasal spesis haiwan jadian pulak... sowiii....
Berbalik kepada citer apa ya? Oh ya! Citer alam sekitar. Aku dah suka tengok gunung-ganang sekarang sebab mesti mengingatkan aku pada kampung. Sonotnya balik kampung lalu highway tu sebab dpt tgk gunung-ganang, especially yg dekat dgn plaza tol tu. Tol? Tu pun satu hal lagik! Naik je memanjang! Petrol pun naik! Ayam pun! Siapa yang naikkan?
Eh... melalut lagi... kenapa ya? Oh ya! Sebab kekasih takda di sisi sekarang....
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Aduh! Sakitnya kepala
Fikirkan nasib yang tak kemana
Hari hari tetap setia
Tapi balasannya mana?
Ada lagi yang mengata
Oh ia akan menjelma
Sabar, takde la lama
Minggu depan cuma
Tapi apakan daya
Hati ku sengsara
Hidup bagaikan papa
Menagih duit dari mama
Oi la orang kaya
Asyik je berbelanja
Kitaorg ni mcm mana
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Guess Who??
Hmmm dah lama plan nak buat benda ni tapi tertangguh2 sebab korang la ni... tak kasi2 lagi gambar.. baru kita ngan sorang ni je yang ada kasi...Tapi apa2 pun... this is the first of the series... heheheheh guess who's that girl.
p/s: tuan punya diri tak payah la eh korang... tgk gambar blakang tu... kalah g-string la.. kuikuikuikuikui.. maafla gambar ni besar.. ni percubaan jek.. hehehehhehe
Tragic Hero
Tragic Hero
He’s a simple boy
So confused and coy
Searching for his existence
In the universe
A wise man came
Found the boy his place
Not in his desert home he says
But somewhere outerspace
How would he know?
That he’ll be a hero one day
The One, they called him
Balance to the force, he is supposed to bring
A small boy alone in a strange city
Far from his mother and homesick
Seeking something he is yet to understand
But oh so curious, he don’t have to pretend
Accept companionship from a master and a friend
Still not enough from a boy far from his land
He longs for a woman’s love and touch
Then he met a lady, much older than his age
“Are you an angel?” innocently he asked
Creating a smile on her face
“You’re a funny little boy” she had said
Oh what a great student he is
Much to the admiration of his master
A great bond existed between them
Never knew it would not last forever
Secretly in love with the angel lady
This is not the way he is supposed to be
A lady with power, a boy with great responsibility
Secretly married they have to be
Oh what a tragic hero had he become
Beyond his conscience and morality
For the simplest reason known in existence
So noble and yet foolish
To save the one he loves that is
Everything around him crumbles
For the sake of the one he loves
I guess it is true after all
The greatest love moves people to madness
This is a classic story
Of a one man journey
Found his glory
Still not enough in his diary
Falls down easily
All because of greedy
-jan 250505 -
Monday, June 06, 2005
Ingin Diulangi
Pasainya, aku teringin sangat nak ulangi pengalaman macam dalam gambaq ni! Dalam keadaan haru-biru dan tensen tahap sidratul muntaha ni (eh? aku sorang je ke yg rasa tensen sampai tahap cenggini?), aku rasa kita perlu release sesama kita sampai lupa daratan... oh what the heck! Mari kita release tensen sampai lupa lautan sekalipun!!!
Aku tau gaji blom masuk. Persetankanlah dengan gaji tu! Dah perabih sewa ofis dan beli perabot kat Sharjah. Bagus gak tu. Lepas ni Dubai bukan sekadar blacklist P** tapi jugak B**. Habis seluruh kaum-kerabat tokey tak lepas masuk ke situ. Hah! Kalau dah nak ke mana-mana pun tak buleh, dipersilakanlah dok beristirehat kat Sungai Buloh je... Ada satu suite untuk VIP yang dah kosong tahun lepas atas ikhsan PM Pak Lah...
So amacam? Sementara kita masih bersama? Why not? Masuk je gaji untuk bulan... bulan... hmm... aku pun sampai dah lupa untuk bulan berapa punya gaji dah sekarang nih..... Ah! Tak kisahlah untuk gaji bulan yang mana satu... bulan lima ke bulan empat ke bulan enam ke bulan sabit ke... gaji jek, kita on!
Cerita Realiti Dan Fantasi
citernya..dulu masa sy mula2 pergi takder ofis.. kerja sumer kat apartment si AZS tu..lepas AZS dtg..dia suruh si maulot cari ofis..dapatla satu kat Panthouse.. 100,000.00+ setahun..dah bayar la 3 ofis tu..memang lawa la..macam tingkat 1 nyer ofis. lepas AZS beli la perabot yang canggih2..berbelas ribu habis..ker puluh..sbb meja meeting yang boleh muat 12 org tu pun dia beli..lepas tu meja staff dalam 11 meja..orgnya ada 7 org jer..memang la canggih mejanya. kabinet sumer ada..
so..kitaorg pun terpaksala masuk ofis..8.00 pagi memulanya..tapi 2 kali kitaorg dtg lambat sbb malam kalau meeting ngan dia sampai kol 1-2 dia pasal shahrul azlan siap kena panggil masuk bilik lagi sbb dtg lambat. bengang gila member tu.. lepas tu tukar masa ker 8.30 pagi sampai la 6.30 ptg.. rehat 1-3. tapi selalu nya takder la org kat ofis tu kecuali si maulot..sbb yang lain2 macam sy nie kena shahrul kena pergi bank apply loan beli kena pergi survey kedai untuk beli komputer ngan pergi pejabat gomen..hashim kena jumpa kontraktor..lps tu dia gak la yang komplen org selalu takder kat ofis.. tu yang letih tu padahal kerja2 tu sumer dia yang suruh. memang tak happy langsung.. komputer satu kitaorg gilir2 la pakai. komputer..takpun gi internet cafe...
yang haru dan bangang..sebenarnya..ofis tu takleh di buka..sbb BPI di register under free kena beroperasi kat kawasan sharjah airport tu jer ngan si shahril anhar la naik turun pejabat free zone nak kena settle benda nie..nak dapat approval. tapi yang paling best sekali, kalau nak bukak luar free zone kena bayar 15,000.00 dirhammmmmmmmmm...kekekekeke. so, sekarang nei ofis tu takleh dia pakai dah..kalau pakai gak kena tangkap masuk tak nak masuk jel. sekarang nei ofis tu dah kena potong letriknya sbb sewa lagi satu payment ngakk di buat.. barang2 tu semua pun dah tak di gitu jerla berpuluh2 ribu tu.. best kan!! tepuk2!!
Anyway, Welcome Home Moon!!!! Mmmmuuuaaahhhhhhh!!!!
Langsir Baru?
Naper tukar langsir? Tak kisahlah... yang penting isi rumahnya, tak gitu? Anyway, langsir baru ni tersusun sket, organised gitu...hehehehe....
Kali ni aku takde apa sgt nak tulis. Letih sebenarnya. Malas betul rasanya nak pegi kerja sekarang. Company dah nak jadi apa ntah... aku pun malas dah nak pikir. dulu rajin gak mencari idea camne nak tolong company. Tapi pertukaran pengurusan gagal mengembalikan ummpphh..! Lagi menambah beban ada laaa..... So nak buat apa tolong orang jenis camni? Kita nak tolong dia, dia nak gigit kita balik. Umpama melepas anjing tersepit. Tau dah siapa anjing tu?
Dan seperti yang dijangka, pengurusan baru ni pun jenis pentingkan diri sendiri jugak. In fact lebih teruk daripada bapaknya...
So sesiapa yang kata stupidity is not inheritable.... well.... think again! Orang yang cakap camtu dah tentu tak pernah saksikan apa yang kita saksikan. Believe you me! Stupidity... it runs in the family...
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Heheheh... dulu masa Mawi tak tersenarai, wa memang malas nak vote sesaper... hmm.. pandai betul si astro ni nak menjahanamkan poket wa yang dah sah sah lambat masuk gaji ni.... dah naik rege plak tu... 65 sen sekarang... tapi wa rasa, komdian-komdian lah baru vote...
Saper lagi aku nak komen? Wa rasa Felix tu bagus... yang pompan wa suka cek mek kelate tu, Amy pun okay... yang lain belum menyerlah lagi.... ha.. Yazer pun wa suka sebab sore dia macam sore adik wa.....
Kat bawah ni wa punya choice, pilihan pertama tu di influenced oleh emosi semata-mata:
1. Mawi
2. Yazer
3. Felix
4. Amy
5. Idayu
6. Reza (this has been changed through edition - wa dah nyampah betul2 dengan si Marsha tu,,, macam budak terencat jer.. dah lah gigi mancung!!) -Ed- 07/06/05)
so, what's your ranking?
"You Don't Reason With Unreasonable People"
Are we still here?
Well... actually we're still here... it's just that some of us are no longer with us... you dig??? The memories remain, but the activities will pass.
Remember those days when we used to scold each other to ensure that our jobs were done in orderly and perfect manner? And remember how we enjoyed laughters whenever we had the chance to actually sit together and made a fool of the very jobs we were doing? Well... that's who we were... and that's who we still are! We are the people who, though we know that the things we do are idiotic, we still work with each other to make sure that the team wins!
And they think we are a bunch of fools not knowing what we were doing?
Heck! We were doing exactly what they told us to do!
And of course, "you don't reason with unreasonable people," said a good friend of mine and I've always taken those words to be true. Why? Because he had proven his point - he was right!
So friends, the next time somebody who you know for a fact that he or she is the unreasonable type tells you to do something, just do it! You cannot reason with them, because reasoning requires brain!
Aren't we all victims of brainless souls?

There's something I always hate... when any one of my friends starts to feel bad. Regardless of whatever reasons.
And that's when only ONE of them feels bad.
What if ALL of them feel bad? And it's all about the same thing? To make it worse, they all feel bad about the very thing that binds them together in the first place - employment!
How I wish all these never happened!
I want them to smile, to laugh, to talk. I hope I won't miss any... I meant any of those...ever...!
I love my friends...!!!
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Potong Gaji?
Dari segi undang-undang camne? Kebanyakan orang kata tak boleh sebab dalam offer letter dah disebut gaji berapa dan dua2 pihak sain surat tu sebagai kontrak yang dipersetujui bersama. Okey... fine... betul jugak.. TAPI????
Haaa..... tapi... bagi orang yang dah kerja, say, tiga tahun. Offer letter tu mesti bertarikh tiga tahun lalu kan? Gaji yang disebut dan dipersetujui bersama tu ialah apa yang dipersetujui tiga tahun lalu. Assuming selama tiga tahun tu staf tu dah dapat dua kenaikan gaji. Semasa dia dapat kenaikan gaji tu, dokumen apa yang terlibat dalam transaksi? Unilateral atau bilateral? Dua-dua pihak sain?
Majikan mesti suka bila baca part ni kan? TAPI????
Sesuatu transaksi gaji tu bukan ke dikira sudah ada persetujuan bilateral bila majikan BAYAR dan pekerja TERIMA? Tak gitu ke? Jadi bila selama ni majikan bayar kenaikan gaji, dan staf terima gaji tu tanpa bangkangan, bukan tu dah dianggap sebagai acceptance ke???
Camne ek? Korang lawyer kan? Sam the Great yang tinggi lampai sampai aku tak sampai tu lawyer kan? Sila explain sket....