How's everybody? Hope you guys had a really nice and relaxing weekend. Anyway, nothing much to tell, just thought of posting these pics taken on the Secret Recipe outing. Can't remember the date, SORRY! Thanks to our lovely and generous miss Emm-n-Emm for treating us that day. The pics are too candid and blur.. but it's alright kan.. as long as the precious moments were captured (gambar cam group rock wajib mesti ada!). Too bad for those who couldn't come - Sam The Great and G-string.. We missed you!
For the rest, I believe everybody enjoyed their meal (I know I did - that yummy Tom Yam noodles and Apple Kasturi, even though I salivated over Pootz's meal). Still can't get forget Moon's generosity and good heart by presenting Emm and the Queen their VERY BELATED birthday presents, it was hilarious, thanks to Pootz! and oh yes, the presents were really cute, nice one Moon! ;-)
I think everybody had a good time that day eventhough a tad too short for me. Not enough time to catch up with everybody. Anyway, hope to do this again sometime (very very soon, I hope) and hopefully with the full quorum.
Okie then, signing off for tonight. Take care people! Be good!
Miss u lots and much love!
The Date was 17th March 2006.....
heheheheh... naper le gambar kita berdua and gambar Moon berdua tu kuar dua kali? heheheheh.... Yeah... must do this again soon.....
oohh tu ek date dia..
gambar kita ngan moon & baz tu kuar 2 kali sebab no of pics tak cukup nak genapkan grid gambar tu, picassa tu automatic je masukkan sendiri.. eekekeek
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