So guys, what about all of us on vacation somewhere far - by rail? Cuti sekolah nak dekat ni!
This is a story about the life of friends. K-Oz the name. Introducing Shaff - the ‘Big Bro’, Najwa Aiman - the "Small Bro", Najwa Aiman - the ‘Storyteller’, Pootz - the ‘Deep One’, Sam - the ‘Romeo’, Dubuk - the ‘Horny One’, G-string the ‘Pretty Mummy’, Syir - the ‘Dreamy Girl’, Emm – the “Funny Gal”, Linda - the "Diva", Munir - the "Bachelor" and Carebear - the "Bear". Together, we create chaos!!!! \(^o^)/
1 comment:
besh besh.. choo choo naik train! last sekali naik train old skool ni (bukan komuter ke lrt) when i was in sekolah rendah kot.. and mmg best! gi ipoh.
jom? mana hala tuju kita?
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