Sorry this is a belated wish! Haven't got the time during the weekends. So, K-Oz is one year huh? How fast time flies. Looking back at the past year, there so many changes happened in our group huh? From being 11 together, now some of us are scattered about. Some near, some far, some still together.
I hope everybody will still use this blog as a place for us to update on each other lives. It would be nice if everybody would post something about themselves here. Whats new in their life. Whats happening etc. Whatever that matters to you, matters to the rest of us.
We should do that gathering! Maybe a fun day in the sun or a melodious day in the karaoke, a satisfied day in a nice restaurant, whatever.. so keep the ideas coming!
I wish everybody a great year ahead, and i hope we'll stay together. Much love! Happy K-oz Day!
So here's a speacial song for special people in my life!!
I needed the shelter of someone's arms and there you were
I needed someone to understand my ups and downs
And there you were
With sweet love and devotion, deeply touching my emotion
I want to stop, and thank you baby
I just want to stop, and thank you baby
How sweet it is to be loved by you
How sweet it is to be loved by you
I close my eyes at night
Wondering where would I be without you in my life
Everything I did was just a bore
Everywhere I went it seems I'd been there before
But you brighten up for me all of my days
With a love so sweet in so many ways
I want to stop and thank you baby
I just want to stop and thank you baby
How sweet it is to be loved by you
How sweet it is to be loved by you
You were better for me than I was for myself
For me, there's you and there ain't nobody else
I want to stop and thank you baby
I just want to stop and thank you baby
How sweet it is to be loved by you
How sweet it is to be loved by you
- How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You (Marvin Gaye) -
waaa...this is so sweet
but where's sam d great???
wow!!! syir's pic is d best... estetika gitu....
and Sam! sape geletek ya? u're as funny laughing as u're talking... miss that!
Dubuk macho sentiasa.... bila tak majuk..
Pootz tak penah lagi la gambar yg tak tersenyum 3-dimensi...
carebear is just like pootz except that she's not always 3-dimensi
Shaff... bila nak tukar fesyen rambut?
munir nampak sgt berlakon.... u're a bad actor.. heehehe....
Emm-n-emm pun will always have that type of look... seriau gitu...
G-string is underneath that nerdy beauty queen...
rendang is of course still d best meal for hari raya... so tak boleh makan selalu sgt takut jd gemuk...
and Queen Amidala finally masuk Islam, pakai tudung and threw away those weird looking cosmetics... but still diva....
OMG.. miss u guys and miss those days!!! huhuhuhuhuhuhuh
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