Thursday, April 28, 2005

Star Wars

The only thing I like about the Star Wars is Darth Vader. This may probably be the reason why I didn't enjoy the episodes 1 & 2 as much as I have enjoyed episodes 4 to 6. Dun think it has anything to do with age factor though (when I watched episodes 4-6 I was much younger). So SW ep. 3 will be my guinea pig to experiment this theory bcoz lord Vader is in this eposide.

Some of you might remember the way Vader fought in all those episodes. He was a machine with metal body and so he couldn't possibly do the sommersault and all those fancy jumping the way Anakin did in episode 2. Wonder if Vader would be able to do it in this episode 3. Even Yoda needs to fight like a circus clown in episode 2 in order to win the fight. It'll be interesting to know why Vader didn't need to do the same to defeat those other Jedi masters.

And the light-saber? What's with the colours? Are they like the colours of taekwondo belts? Or are they just options during purchase? And who manufactured the sabers anyway? Why was it not explained? Can anyone purchase it or do u require certain license or permit? I think a certain permit is required bcoz nobody else expcept the Jedis use this very dangerous but easily hidden weapon. So who issued this permit?

And what's with the cloak on Vader's costume? He can't fly (heck! Even Superman doesn't need his cloak to fly!). Well, at least Vader can justify why HIS underwear in worn on the OUTSIDE - bcoz his undies are metal - so they protect the sensitive body parts!

And C3PO? The one who can speak over 1,000,000 language of the universe? Did u notice that his responses to conversations with R2D2 and Chewy will always be in English. Why didn't he just use their language? If R2D2 and Chewy can understand English, why didn't THEY just speak in English then? Han Solo also responded to Chewy in English, and they both understand each others' language but simply refuse to speak them. Semangat Bahasa Kebangsaan la ni!

And the Millenium Falcon - the fastest junk in the universe where the pilot sits on one side of the humungous ship. Yet the pilot was able to maneuver it in between flying asteroids!!!

Mengarut dah sebelas setengah malam.........zzzzz..........

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