Saturday, April 30, 2005


Today's NH's last day, sob.. sob... but he said he'll be in on Tuesday.
I have been thinking this out loud and discussed with my significant other on this matter about our organisation. I am wondering when will the Management do something about this? Inform the staff of what is actually going on, give proper advice rather than letting us live on hearsays. Decide and advice on all cost cutting measures e.g. disposing off "unnecessary assets" like luxury cars, do some restructuring exercise, call for "no or minimal entertainment" and limit certain unnecessary claims, cut hours like Saturdays off (hello!!!!)... The Management is really being unfair to the employees by putting them in the darkness. If they want to cut manpower costs, by telling people the true story, chances are, more will resign or perhaps if they decide to stay on, they know they are doing at their own risks (if there are actually risks involved) and morale will be maintained and people will stop complaining.


Lampin said...

There are two things that prohibit them from doing so and they are arrogance and stupidity (the Malays call it "sombong bodoh").

Being arrogant is by not accepting failure.

Being stupid is by not accepting that they are being arrogant.

The worst thing about this "arro-pidity" phenomenon is when they refuse to accept that they were not ALONE when they brought the company to its peak before; and due to that reason they still think that it is THEM who wil make things happen.

WE, to them, are just persons to whom they pay money as salary. Nothing more, nothing less.


Pootz in Boots said...

hmmm... kenapa tahun 1997 diorang tak sesombong bodoh ni? We were hit bad jugak masa tu...

G-string said...

sebab sombong dan bodoh mengatasi segalanya...hingga kita yg bijak pandai ni pon tertindas...