Looking lovely there ladies!!!

This is a story about the life of friends. K-Oz the name. Introducing Shaff - the ‘Big Bro’, Najwa Aiman - the "Small Bro", Najwa Aiman - the ‘Storyteller’, Pootz - the ‘Deep One’, Sam - the ‘Romeo’, Dubuk - the ‘Horny One’, G-string the ‘Pretty Mummy’, Syir - the ‘Dreamy Girl’, Emm – the “Funny Gal”, Linda - the "Diva", Munir - the "Bachelor" and Carebear - the "Bear". Together, we create chaos!!!! \(^o^)/
err...lambat tu nak sampai kat syir...heheh
Let ME do it....tak yah tunggu giliran...ALL AT ONCE!!!
haa....tak termasuk aku la...sebab aku dah terlepas round...heheheh selamat...
Adzam.. puh leeeezzzz.....tak selera aku.... especially bila teringat kau cross jalan lari macam Mr Bean....
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