Gubra is on a different level from Sepet. You can't really compare between those two films.
Sepet is more "pop" ... dia straight to the point.. gubra ni cam nak sampaikan messages.. halfway thru the film i was kinda bored and dok fikir.. apa la message citer ni.. but then bila dah nak abis tu.. I think different people will have different understanding of the film. Its back to how different people has different perceptions.
For me, I think the film is about love between different generations and different types of people,those who give love will see how much they sacrifice for their loved ones and those who always receive will realise to appreciate those who gave their love
love for a friend, love for spouse, love for your family love for people, love in general.. etc.
I salute la yasmin ahmad ni in her way of expressing her views towards things.. like one of the characters dpt tau dia ada HIV. u dont have to have a dialogue to convey that. Yasmin Ahmad is a great storyteller.
Beautiful cinematography, great acting (Sharifah Amani was superb!), very poetic.
Gubra is thought provoking and controversial. You will get out of the cinema thinking.
As for me, I went out of the cinema feeling confused. Kahkahkah
cadangnya nak g tgk Ice Age 2 dgn Wild. mesti best! kat mana ada ek? Mid Valley ok tak?
Tak tgk Gubra. So it is still a sequel to Sepet ek.
Watched Ice Age 2 with children on PC aje, VCD courtesy of lanun-lanun kat jln masjid India. Lps Jumaat ni nak tgk dah ada on mkt Wild tak.
yup sort of sequel to sepet ler.. tapi ada storyline baru.. orked's life and the bilal's life
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