I had to take the LRT early again this morning because of some urgent documents that needed urgent attention. So I guess I just took the LRT. It was Monday Morning and everybody seemed to want to be early in the office. The LRT was packed like the very nostalgic mini bus. Before boarding the LRT I was almost praying not to let men surround me in the crowded and packed train. God knows where their eyes and hands would land upon.
Thank God I was surrounded but ladies. But then – yiekhh! That smell. The smell that my hostel boy friends used to term as “bau tilam”. The “mattress smell”. You know, that smell almost everybody emits when they wake up every morning. So the only way to get rid of such smell is to take a simple shower – with soap of course. Then the smell is gone, and you can continue with your life – whatever that will be – as usual.

But I simply cannot accept that there are still women in such a tropical climate country like ours who do not take their showers in the morning. They just rise out of bed, change their clothes and jumped onto a packed and crowded LRT. They don’t even have the courtesy to respect other people’s scent-perceptive-receiver-device (a.k.a. nose) which are still functioning perfectly and efficiently! So efficient that the device can actually still differentiate between pleasant and ghastly despicable aroma. If they are not meticulous and be bothered about their own personal grooming (not to mention hygiene), then please be sensitive to others. I had to stand behind this executive-attired lady complete with blazers, but the aroma emanated from her body was even worse than that discharged from a cadaver! Uwwweekkk…!!!
Come on women! Being equal to men doesn’t have to mean that we should also smell like them! Clean yourselves up!
Thank God I was surrounded but ladies. But then – yiekhh! That smell. The smell that my hostel boy friends used to term as “bau tilam”. The “mattress smell”. You know, that smell almost everybody emits when they wake up every morning. So the only way to get rid of such smell is to take a simple shower – with soap of course. Then the smell is gone, and you can continue with your life – whatever that will be – as usual.

But I simply cannot accept that there are still women in such a tropical climate country like ours who do not take their showers in the morning. They just rise out of bed, change their clothes and jumped onto a packed and crowded LRT. They don’t even have the courtesy to respect other people’s scent-perceptive-receiver-device (a.k.a. nose) which are still functioning perfectly and efficiently! So efficient that the device can actually still differentiate between pleasant and ghastly despicable aroma. If they are not meticulous and be bothered about their own personal grooming (not to mention hygiene), then please be sensitive to others. I had to stand behind this executive-attired lady complete with blazers, but the aroma emanated from her body was even worse than that discharged from a cadaver! Uwwweekkk…!!!
Come on women! Being equal to men doesn’t have to mean that we should also smell like them! Clean yourselves up!
saper plak la diorg smer nih....????????
byk nor plaks laa antu nak advertise kat sini ekk...
okeh, citer pasal bau nih, masyaallah...aku hari2 terpaksa melaluinya tiap pagi pegi keje lampin woii...bukan mcm ko masa nak antar dokumen tu jekk..dah ler mcm sardin lrt putra tu, tak tahan aku ngan bau2 rambut yg melekap kat muka aku sebab keadaan yg berhimpit2 tu...haa..tu baru bau rambut, belum lagi bau badan yg bukan jer mcm bau tilam tapi bau bantal busuk pun ramaiii...adussss aku pening kapla kalo pepagi tu, senoneng sket ngan aroma2 yg sungguh menyesakkan idung aku.
serious ko moon?? jantan tu mcm baz? ekekekeke...asoh tu ada rupe asoh cuci tepon tu tak? aku pung salu sgt ler kena gesel ngan jantanzz..takat nak merasa kontol keras gesel2 kat bontot aku tu dah biasa sgt dah...siap ler kena siku ngan aku
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