Monday, March 27, 2006

Amigos Para Siempre

It's been quite a while huh? It's soooo goood to be back. Thanks Pootz for inviting me!! It's funny though... i am the one who started this whole thing and I am the one who lost the username, the password. Some confusion in my brain.

So let's see. Our first post in here was on 23rd April 2005! Wow! How time flies! Today last year, I don't even know what blog means. I guess a lot have changed huh.

So anyway, today I am writing just to say I miss this blog so much! Thanks for Lampin and Pootz for keeping this blog alive. I'll try my best to keep it going too. For others, come on, join in. Keep on posting!

The important question is.. shall we make 23rd April as the official K-Oz day? What say you? And I really hope the next gathering there will be a complete quorum so that finally we can take a proper photo of the K-Ozzies!

Okie.. till next time.

Amigos Para Siempre.

Much love!


Anonymous said...

Hi...carebear, welcome back to K-Oz, Hope I can see many interesting teleconversation between u & ur friend surround you. Keep up the good blog...cayalahhhh buat sume....


Shaff said...

I actually thought of going back to my home town on this coming 23 April 2006 but i can postpone it to the following week. Anybody else interested/can make it for this K-OZ reunion. Venue & time? Suggest that we go for lunch & koke session.