Now only true friends remain friends. Other things have changed. Those were the days. Now are the days.
Wonder what tomorrow would be......................
This is a story about the life of friends. K-Oz the name. Introducing Shaff - the ‘Big Bro’, Najwa Aiman - the "Small Bro", Najwa Aiman - the ‘Storyteller’, Pootz - the ‘Deep One’, Sam - the ‘Romeo’, Dubuk - the ‘Horny One’, G-string the ‘Pretty Mummy’, Syir - the ‘Dreamy Girl’, Emm – the “Funny Gal”, Linda - the "Diva", Munir - the "Bachelor" and Carebear - the "Bear". Together, we create chaos!!!! \(^o^)/
Aik! apahal kluar muka kak M ni?
Oooiiiii...syaper yg menghampraskan aku nih...mana ko dpt gmbar aku haahhhh??? %^&$#@@!~*&^% Cciiittt!!
Aik ....... sudah tukar gambar lain ek.
Waa... zaman kegemilangan ni. Zaman Spice Girl ehem
Biasak lar...idup dlm environment keja & opis yg mandom telah memandomkan idup aku yg sebelum2 ini tidak pernah terasa kemandomannya...segala2nya telah mandom skang dan mandom itu lar yg yg menjadik punca mengapa aku mandom...
Berdiri dari kiri Jamalul Ashikin, Samad lalok, Shaf,kak Pootz, Linda, Ella, kak Ros, Azman, Ahmad Samad, Ikmil...depan lak, Sham, kak Liza, Suraya ngan Mijjii...
Tomorrow... we would always be friends.... kau tau kan Lampin.... ?
Que sera sera...whatever will be, will be...the future is ours to see........ Que sera sera
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