Last night jan pergi concert samsons. Free concert of some sort. Digi sponsored. Jan pun tak tau, my friend yg arrange for the tickets. It was at Dewan Wawasan, Menara PGRM. First time la jan pergi free concert and have to stand in the crowd. Samsons was great, but the crowd is not really my thing. At times, Jan takut jugak. I mean, Jan tak pernah kot gi concert without a male member of my family or friends. Last night was just me and my friend Ain. I thought it was a seated concert, since cam well dewan tu kecikkan. Tapi kitaorg cam shocked skit la cam dua2 pun cam nervous la.. alamak.. kena diri camni ke. Dah la nak start lambat, so lama la ngan org2 pushing and sticky yucks.. about 930 baru start. Samsons performance was great, vocal best giler. and he is so cute!! hahaha.. but i dont know most of the songs, I only know 3 songs from the band - Kenangan Terindah, Bukan Diriku and Naluri Lelaki. Kenangan Terindah was awesome, best sgt!!! Tapi i wass sooo disappointed sebab dorang tak nyanyi bukan diriku. I was looking forward to it so much! I was nervous when some guys nearby sort of like acting wild, mcm duduk atas bahu and tak pakai baju, bwk banner something relating to the band's country of origin. But we were near in front, depan ada polis and some security people so cam ok la kan. The concert ended around 1030la.
Overall, Jan cam starting to like the band la, I really like the new song, Kisah Tak Sempurna, pretty heartbreaking, eventho cam tak paham sgt lyrics nyer hahah. My friend tu minat giler ngan dorang ni so it sort of rubbed on to me too. But from this experience, rasa cam tak nak dah la gi free concert. Hahahha i rather pay and rasa more safe and comfortable. I've been to quite a number of concerts and this was the only one yang made me kinda nervous. hahah takpela..experience kan? Bila lagi.